Friday, July 26, 2013

Alan’s Backyard June 5

On this day I continued my work on Alan’s backyard. I filled seven of the pots that we saw on Alan’s Backyard May 22. Here’s a reminder of what was in store.

There were also several big pots that contained plants, which needed to be replanted. I took this pot that was originally on the fireplace mantle and added new life to it with a red cordyline, red verbena, ‘Star Dust’ euphorbia and ‘Sundance Yellow’ sanvitalia.

These two pots I planted last time and are now placed up on the chimney. They contain orange and red petunias, yellow and orange calibrachoa and ‘Star Dust’ euphorbia. I picked these colors and plants to replicate fire.

I had originally planted this ligularia with a ‘False Goats Beard’ white Astilbe, but didn’t like how they looked together. I removed the astilbe and replaced it with this ‘Cherry Berry’ hosta. I also planted another hosta in the pot on the other side of the ligularia. This combination of three works better. I planted ‘Super Elfin Cherry’ impatiens as ground cover around them and lined the front of the bed with ‘Super Elfin Violet’ impatiens.

I planted the astilbe in this pot and it looks great against the dark fence by itself.

This large blue pot originally sat next to the astilbe and ligularia, but it doesn’t drain well and the sprinkler kept it too wet. I moved it to a drier spot and planted more impatiens in two smaller pots behind it.

This bistro set is a perfect spot for this white pot of impatiens.

This pot was also on the fireplace mantle. I replanted the grass with some fresh soil and added a white bacopa in front.

This strawberry pot was full of weeds. Instead of strawberries I planted a hot pink and a purple calibrachoa in the top and added a pink and light purple bacopa on each side.

On the front porch I added these pots. The smaller one has impatiens in it and the taller one has a ‘Gryphon’ begonia, with an asparagus fern and an impatien.

This pot seemed perfect for a sweet potato vine.

Alan has several large pots with black bamboo in them that add great texture to his backyard as well as create a very private setting in this wonderful space.

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